EU funded ENDORSEME “Enabling Seafarers to Mutual Endorsement” 3rd transnational project was conducted in Cork, Ireland on 22-23rd November 2022 with the host of National Maritime College of Ireland.
On the first day of the meeting the partners covered the topics; ENDORSEME Project overview, reviewed the 2nd partner meeting tasks, mainly online tool development, programming the tool. Mr. Ugurcan Acar from MARITIME INNOVATORS chaired the meeting.
The partners reviewed the work package progress, dissemination activities and next 6 months tasks for project activities. Captain Ivan Conev from NVNA, Engineer Delyan Hristov from NVNA, Mr. Uğurcan Acar from MARITIME INNOVATORS, Prof. Agustin Martin Mallofre from Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña, Prof. German Rodriguez from Universitat Politecnica de Cataluña, Capt. Radu Hanzu-Pazara from Constanta Maritime University, Mr. Tomaž Gregorič from Spinaker d.o.o.,Mr Kevin Fitzgibbon, Mr. Niall Curran from National Maritime College of Ireland attended the first day of the 3rd partner meeting.
Day 2 of ENDORSEME 2nd transnational project meeting commenced with the discussion of the future task allocations. The partners from Maritime Innovators, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Bulgarian Maritime University, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC, Spinaker, National Maritime College of Ireland NMCI, Constanta maritime university Romania
discussed ENDORSEME tool in depth and a flowchart showcasing EU certifiations were revieved and agreed by the partners.
At the end of the meeting, a tour of the NMCI Facilities was made. In the afternoon the next 6 month tasks related to intellectual output and project activities will be distributed among the partners.
ENDORSEME Project can be accessed through .
The Project will:
-facilitate the recognition of certifications and ratings of seafarers, first throughout Europe and ultimately around the world;
– bring together all of the seafaring qualifications and attempt to enable greater international recognition;
– allow for greater cohesion between international and local requirements in MET in member states providing higher quality and more attractive long term VET programs.